It’s 2016! Happy New Year from Joe Dudych Recording Services


Many thanks to my clients, friends, and musical collaborators. It was a wildly successful 2015 and I look forward to working with old friends and making new ones in 2016.

Cheers!   Joe.


Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra

Neil Conducting WVGC

Rachel Landrecht and Neil Weisensel


Ross Brownlee conducting Camerata Nova and orchestra of “ancient” instruments

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Grey Cup 2015

Grey Cup 2015

The Grey Cup

The Grey Cup

Saskatoon in Autumn

Saskatoon in Autumn

Broadway Theatre in Saskatoon

Broadway Theatre in Saskatoon – Getting ready to record “Definitely Not the Opera”.

Backstage for "Definitely Not the Opera"

Backstage for “Definitely Not the Opera”

Recording "DNTO"

Recording “DNTO”

Video shoot for Karl Stobbe

Video shoot for Karl Stobbe

Karl on camera

Karl on camera

The start of the "Going Home Star" mix

The start of the “Going Home Star” mix

Mixing "GHS"

Mixing “GHS”

Men's Choir conducted by Henry Engbrecht

Men’s Choir conducted by Henry Engbrecht

Mixed Choir at Mennonite Central Committee event

Mixed Choir at Mennonite Central Committee event

Hon. Joe Clark, guest speaker at MCC event.

Hon. Joe Clark, guest speaker at MCC event.

Home away from home.

Home away from home. “Going Home Star” recording.

Conductor and composer doing a pre-flight check.

Conductor Tad Biernacki and composer Christos Hatzis doing a pre-flight check at “Going Home Star” recording..

Christos monitoring the performances.

Christos monitoring the performances.



Conductor Daniel Scholtz rehearsing the Winnipeg Youth Orchestra

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2015 was a great year!

2015 was a great year!

Tags: 2016,

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