Polycoro presents “Pulse” at Minto Armoury
Polycoro’s second concert of their season on Nov. 9, tied together themes of war, life, and death in a solemn exploration for Remembrance Day through the polychoral works of Frank Martin, Norbert Palej. The Winnipeg Boys Choir joined Polycoro for Palej’s haunting “Arise, Cry Out” (in memory of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943). Polycoro also performed Frank Martin’s “Mass for Double Choir”. Hosting Polycoro at Minto Armoury, was the Regimental Band of the Winnipeg Rifles, under the direction of Capt. Ryan Wehrle, which played several selections appropriate to the theme of remembrance. Rounding out the program, The Winnipeg Boys Choir also performed a piece led by Albert Bergen.
Polycoro Vibrations: Pulse Ready to start soundcheck John Wiens conducting Polycoro Audience arriving for the program Winnipeg Rifles Regimental Band, Capt. Ryan Wehrle, director Winnipeg Boys Choir, Albert Bergen directing Winnipeg Boys Choir with Polycoro at soundcheck My office at Minto Armoury Recording is underway
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